Head of History
Job Introduction
We are recruiting for the Head of History in a school where history runs through its veins, where pupils brim with enthusiasm for the subject, bringing their broad general knowledge into the classroom and excelling in both taught History lessons and the wider extra-curricular nature of History at the Under School.
The subject is taught by several teachers across the School, all of whom contribute to the department. There is a strong academic but progressive ethos and at the heart of it is the enjoyment of not just the subject but an overall love of academic endeavour and critical thinking. History is taught chronologically throughout the School, from the ancient Egyptians in Year 3 up to Victorian Britain until 1901 in Year 8.
Each year group has at least one History trip each year, for example, to Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament - both on our doorstep, or further afield such as to the Battlefields of northern Europe, or to study Anne Frank in Amsterdam. History Society takes place regularly at lunchtimes where pupils seize the opportunity to research independently and present to other adults and pupils about a historical event or theme of their choosing. Moreover, a majority of the senior part of the School participates in the annual Townsend Warner competition.
This is an exciting time to join the Under School, as we look forward to expansion to become a co-educational school for children aged four to 13 from September 2026. A key part of this role over the next year will therefore be to support with the development of our new curriculum for Reception to Year 2, and adapt the current schemes of work for a co-educational environment.
Role Responsibility
The role of Head of History, line managed by the Assistant Master, Teaching and Learning, is to:
- Teach in any year groups from Years 3 up to Year 8, including pupils taking the Scholarship examinations for Westminster, Eton and any other senior schools.
- Build on an exciting, inspiring and academically robust, chronologically-based curriculum across all Key Stages, involving a variety of tasks and development of wider skills and knowledge, e.g., study skills, PSHE, RSE and wellbeing, use of technology within lessons, Fundamental Values, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Contribute to the Department Development Plan, in liaison with the Assistant Master, Teaching and Learning.
- Ensure that all groups of pupils are catered for, including exceptionally high achievers and SEND pupils.
- Liaise and develop links with colleagues in the History department at the Senior School and in similar schools, participating in cluster groups to keep up to date with good practice and syllabuses.
- Organisation and delivery of the History post-exam programme for Year 8 (where applicable).
- Support and give advice to teachers of other subjects and explore opportunities for cross-curricular work.
- To act as a strong, positive Head of Department who leads by example, being involved in tasks that all Heads of Department are involved with, e.g.:
- Lesson observations and learning walks.
- Book looks and checking appropriate marking.
- Organisation of trips and visits and other extra-curricular activities.
- CPD for colleagues in the department including INSET, ensuring they are kept up to date with new methods, resources, pedagogy, etc.
- Ensure displays are changed regularly, relevant and well-maintained.
- Organise and oversee assessments and examinations.
- Ensure proper budgeting within the department.
- Liaise with the Librarian to ensure the History section of the Library has a good range of books for all parts of the School, linking with the curriculum but also in addition to it.
- Chair departmental meetings and attend regular HoDs meetings.
- Meet with teachers, parents and/or pupils to monitor pupil progress and address concerns, if they are raised
- Promote and develop Health and Safety and e-Safety policies within the department
- Be fully conversant with, and supportive of, all School policies
Additionally, all colleagues are expected to be involved in the wider school including being a Form Tutor, supervision during break and lunch times, getting involved with Games, attending Parents’ Evenings, accompanying school residential trips, and so on. Whilst every effort has been taken to provide a comprehensive list of responsibilities, the post holder may be asked to complete other duties which could be considered relevant to the role, as directed by the Master or the Assistant Master, Teaching and Learning or other senior staff.
The School is an exceptionally supportive one, aiming to give all colleagues a positive work-life balance. We have a warm and friendly Common Room and beautiful facilities, including the largest Square in central London which pupils use every day. Additionally, the School will be moving to a completely new building in the Autumn of 2025, offering a huge amount of space, natural light and modern facilities. From September 2026, the School will expand to open a Reception class and will go co-educational in Reception, Year 3 and Year 7. The School will be completely co-educational in all year groups by 2028.
While the History department is exceptionally strong, and History is a well-loved subject amongst pupils, there is scope for continuing development and innovation with the appointment of an outstanding Head of History – especially in view of the School’s expansion and introduction of co-education from 2026, as outlined above.
The role includes a responsibility allowance which is commensurate with the responsibilities of the role and some additional time in terms of a reduction in lessons and/or other responsibilities.
If you have any questions about the role or would like to discuss anything further, please contact the Deputy Master, Michael Woodside (michael.woodside@westminster.org.uk), in the first instance and he will be delighted to speak with you.
The Ideal Candidate
Please refer to the below (attached) person specification.
Equal Opportunities
We are an equal opportunities employer. We therefore encourage candidates to apply irrespective of age, disability, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion and belief, gender identity, sex or sexual orientation.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Westminster Under School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Package Description
Required for: September 2025
Location: Vincent Square - Westminster Under School
Contract: full-time, permanent
Salary: Westminster Under School has its own salary scale, and new members of staff are placed at a point relevant to their qualifications and experience. Details of salary will be discussed at interview with those candidates who are short-listed.
There is also an associated responsibility allowance with this role.
The deadline for applications is midday on Wednesday 19th March. Interviews will take place w/c Monday 24th March 2025.
About the School
Working at Westminster Under School
Westminster Under School is a busy, purposeful and vibrant place to be and an excellent workplace. The community is made up of 292 pupils, 43 teaching staff and 50 support staff.
Our teaching staff are friendly and welcoming and all new teachers quickly become part of the rhythm of life here, both inside and outside the classroom. Social events are regular and varied, with plenty of opportunity to socialise outside working hours.
It also does not matter where you come to us from. Some teachers come to us straight from university or having just taken a PGCE. Some have taught in independent schools before while others come from the state sector, or another industry altogether. The common ground is that all our teachers have a great knowledge and love for their subject and are willing to be fully involved in the life of the School and the lives of the children who come here.
At Westminster Under School we will always select the best candidate for every position. However, we know we can only truly choose the best person on every occasion if a broad and diverse pool of candidates see the job advertised and are encouraged to apply.
As such, we continue to work on how our job roles are encountered, and particularly welcome applications from groups who have traditionally been underrepresented here. Westminster Under School is for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic. We hope you are encouraged to apply.
The School
Westminster Under School is a happy, ambitious, nurturing and inspiring world-class preparatory education for seven to 13 year olds. Pupils who love to learn are offered a supportive, dynamic and inspirational environment to fuel their curiosity.
Located in the heart of London, the School overlooks the beautiful school playing fields in Vincent Square and is just a few moments’ walk from Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. It is closely connected to Westminster School; in 1943, Westminster expanded its educational scope by forming the Under School, and the two schools share the same Governing Body and the same ethos of a liberal education.
Westminster Under School's curriculum is broad and diverse, aiming to foster a sense of wonder and inquisitiveness in children and encourage independent thought. The teaching programme goes above and beyond the National Curriculum and teachers are not tightly bound by syllabus. Pupils are taught a wide range of subjects by expert teachers who embrace opportunities for growth and promote diverse thinking, and who encourage them to ask questions about the world around them.
While the School's standard of our education is of the highest quality, the School’s focus is not only on academic achievement. Westminster pupils receive a full and rounded education that includes sport, the arts and many opportunities to engage in community outreach; pupils frequently take part in concerts, plays and in both internal and external competitions, and the School hosts festivals and events throughout the year. Like its older counterpart, Westminster Under School is fully committed to each pupil’s spiritual, moral, emotional and physical development and wellbeing – with a particular emphasis on drawing out individual talent wherever it lies – and to prepare young people for fulfilled private and public lives.
From September 2026, Westminster Under School will have opened its brand new pre-prep for girls and boys at 4+ and girls will have joined boys in Years 3 and 7, at the 7+ and 11+ entry points. By 2030, with the introduction of girls into Year 9 at Westminster School in 2028, all year groups across the two schools, from ages four to 18, will be fully co-educational, reflecting the School’s dedication to inclusivity and excellence.
Westminster School