Head of Classics
Job Introduction
Classics is thriving at Westminster, both in the classroom and via its rich and extensive co-curricular contribution. The Head of Classics thus occupies a pivotal and highly valued place in the intellectual and cultural life of the School. This post presents an exciting opportunity for an ambitious and expert Classicist to join and lead the department as the School transitions towards full co-education from 2028.
The department comprises six full-time colleagues in total and has an enthusiastic, dedicated and supportive atmosphere. We have a strong commitment to rigorous and stretching language teaching: at all levels the pupils learn to translate into the target language, and all Upper School pupils study prose composition. Our schemes of work take the pupils far outside and beyond the linguistic and literary prescriptions of the public examinations (OCR), roving across the gamut of the Classical disciplines. Opportunities abound for visits to the world-class museums, universities and theatre on our doorstep in central London, as well as for cross-disciplinary initiatives with other departments and trips further afield and abroad. Our focus on high standards of teaching and learning leads our pupils to exceptional results at GCSE, A level and university entrance.
Currently all pupils study Latin and Greek in Year 9; in subsequent years both subjects are optional. Typically each year about 50 pupils sit GCSE Latin, about 25 GCSE Greek. In the Upper School, about 25 pupils per year group study Latin, about 8 Greek; typically around 10 pupils per year secure places to study Classics at the most prestigious universities.
The successful candidate will lead and inspire the Classics colleagues to maintain and further develop this flourishing programme. They will also collaborate with other Heads of Department on the ongoing curriculum review, which aims to maintain Westminster’s very high academic standards while also continuing to develop and refine curricula and pedagogy in light of the School’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and technological advancement.
The Head of Classics is responsible to the Head Master for:
- the successful teaching of their subject and its contribution to the educational aims of the School in ways that will inspire pupils;
- the provision of leadership to departmental colleagues, playing a significant role in their review and professional development;
- the efficient administration of the department’s resources, facilities and budget;
- the effective representation of the department both within and beyond the School.
Heads of Department also work closely with the Deputy Head (Academic) as their line-manager and can expect their full support.
As senior members of the staff establishment, Heads of Department are expected to be fully conversant with all school policies and to play their part in promoting good conduct among pupils and staff both within departments and throughout the School.
Role Responsibility
Detailed Responsibilities and Duties
Providing Academic Leadership
The Head of Department provides strategic direction and leadership to the department. In doing so they will:
- aim to see that the department has a collective vision of the subject and its teaching which celebrates diversity in both teachers and pupils, while ensuring the delivery to every pupil of an appropriate and positive experience of the subject;
- ensure that, as far as possible, the department is following the most appropriate external examination syllabuses; keep up-to-date with changes in syllabus requirements and the merits of new qualifications being offered by the examination boards, disseminating these in a clear and unbiased way to teachers within the department; include all members of the department in decision making about how best to respond to change and development in their subject and syllabuses;
- see that internal schemes of work, whether formal or informal, ensure that all pupils are taught in a demanding and inspiring way, which is also appropriate to their aspirations, abilities and previous experience of the subject;
- ensure that the department is aware of, and develops, its contribution to pupils’ overall education – their enjoyment of academic life, their ability to manage their own learning and their capacity for reasoning and arguing;
- ensure that the department has appropriate policies on, or practices in, use of IT, learning support, setting of prep, marking and assessment, plagiarism, and differentiation; offer guidance on the effective and timely measuring of pupils’ progress through the routine setting of preps which chart a range of developmental points (written note-taking, research and essays, oral and/or practical work as appropriate to subject), as well as through formal assessments of knowledge in tests and termly examinations; ensure that all pupil work is correctly marked and returned within an agreed timescale and includes formative and summative marking;
- be well-informed about the range of ability of pupils within year groups, ensuring that strategies are developed and disseminated to teachers which enable pupils at the lower end to be helped, those in the middle to aim higher and those that excel to be fully stretched; ensure that pupils feel actively encouraged by frequent, accurate and detailed feedback on their progress and school rewards, and understand how best to set and fulfil targets for their further self-development in the subject;
- ensure that departmental development plans, policies and practices are updated annually and aligned with the School’s aims and objectives;
- keep the department well-informed about academic matters which are under discussion in the School, and the wider educational environment;
- ensure that the department contributes as required to the delivery of RSHE and Wellbeing, IT and other cross-curricular aspects of the School’s educational provision;
- compile, edit and keep updated the departmental handbook and website, ensuring that their contents are well-known and easily accessible to all members of the department
Supporting Teaching and Learning
The Head of Department is responsible for supporting the successful delivery of their subject’s contribution to the education of Westminster’s pupils, both within and outside formal lessons. They will ensure:
- that teachers are aware of new ideas, methods and resources within the subject, its particular contribution to knowledge, and have the opportunity to exchange ideas and good practice with other members of the department, with other departments at the School and with the educational world outside Westminster;
- the occurrence of lesson observations and / or sharing of lessons on a regular basis to help foster ideas between teachers and pupils; and the encouragement of dissemination of information about good practice within and across departments where appropriate;
- that displays and other material that might encourage wider interest in the subject, or support pupils’ learning, are provided in the department’s teaching areas;
- that teachers have available the resources necessary to encourage enthusiasm for, as well as achievement in, the subject;
- that pupils of all abilities and levels of interest have opportunities for engagement with the subject in a variety of ways, throughout the school day, and that appropriate deeper and wider engagement is available for those with a special interest in the subject;
- that the subject is appropriately represented in the curriculum beyond the classroom, for instance by offering pupils the opportunity of developing their own interest in the subject through the Lower School Activity (LSA) and Options programmes, promoting and supporting academic societies and lectures, as well as running one-off projects and field expeditions, educational visits or prize essays where appropriate;
- that informed and detailed guidance on taking the subject is available to members of the department, pupils, parents, prospective entrants and teachers at relevant times, in particular when GCSE and A-Level choices are being made and when pupils are deciding about university courses, and other possible post-Westminster destinations;
- that appropriate support is provided for those who wish to study the subject at university, both current pupils and, in accordance with the School’s policy on post A-Level applications, for Old Westminsters.
Teaching Staff Management
The Head of Department has responsibility for the management of members of the department in their academic role and shares responsibility for their work in the School as a whole, their welfare and their professional development. They will:
- provide departmental input into the School’s professional development and review process as required
- be aware of external opportunities for professional development in the subject and its teaching, and bring these to the attention of members of the department as appropriate. Identifying individual staff training needs and monitoring these, and offering development opportunities at regular intervals (these might be teaching-related to include refresher courses on treatment of topics or teaching techniques, or be subject- or career-related);
- delegate responsibilities, as required, within the department and offer opportunities for developing new or changing aspects of the department’s remit, so that members of the department gain appropriate experience as part of their professional development. Identify opportunities for the development of special areas of responsibility within departments (if appropriate) in order to give all teachers a sense of their own development and value within the department and to the subject;
- mentor individual staff within the department and see this as key to an integrated and effective team (with formal appraisals carried out within the framework of the School’s published policy on review and professional development);
- construct, in conjunction with the Deputy Head (Academic), the departmental timetable; allocate teaching periods to teachers commensurate with their full- or part-time status, in accordance with the expected commitments of teaching staff and taking account of responsibilities which are weighted against teaching periods (for example, special responsibility reductions). Ensure that teachers within departments are appropriately qualified to teach the relevant topics on the syllabus;
- ensure that communication within the department is effective and includes everyone in the department via regular (minuted) departmental meetings. Meet all teachers within the department on a regular basis to ensure they are in touch with the teaching practices and expertise of individuals within it; be visible around the department and be equally approachable for pupils and teachers who may wish to discuss subject-related issues with them;
- take part, as required, in the process of appointing new staff, in liaison with the Head Master, the Deputy Head (Academic), other members of SMC as appropriate, and the Director of People;
- take part if required by the Head Master in formal staff management processes, such as the disciplinary procedure;
- manage, in conjunction with the Bursar and Chief Operating Officer, support staff and peripatetic teachers attached to the department;
- be the first line of support in providing guidance, and if necessary action, for a teacher who is having difficulties with a class or with individual pupils (e.g. because of poor behaviour, lack of effort, and/or a lack of progress);
- have care for the welfare of staff within the department in accordance with the School policy.
Administrative Responsibilities
The Head of Department is responsible for:
- checking that all teaching and public areas of the department offer a safe environment for both pupils and teachers to work in and that all the activities in which the department engages are conducted safely, with full risk assessments being carried out when necessary, and for reporting any deficiencies or concerns appropriately;
- managing the department’s teaching area and keeping under review its use of space, liaising with the Bursar and Chief Operating Officer to ensure that decoration and maintenance is carried out to a high standard as required;
- ensuring that the departmental budget is a realistic projection of the needs of the department and that up-to-date records of expenditure are maintained during the course of the year so that requirements for the future can be accurately assessed;
- the provision, within the agreed budget, and management of the department’s resources;
- ensuring that all teachers are adequately resourced with books, materials and other equipment deemed necessary to carry out their teaching duties effectively;
- the provision of books and other material to be issued to pupils and the maintenance of records of expenditure rechargeable to parents and passing these to the Bursar and Chief Operating Officer’s office in good time for accounting and billing purposes;
- implementing the procedures which are associated with the department’s public examination entries, including managing any internal assessments which may form part of these, and, in particular, maintaining a formal document setting out how these will be conducted;
- co-ordinating and ensuring the appropriateness and validity of the department’s contributions to UCAS and other references;
- managing the department’s contribution to the School’s admissions testing as required;
- liaising with the Under Master and Deputy Head (Academic) to ensure that absent colleagues’ classes are appropriately covered, either within the department or externally;
- ensuring, during Lower School Expeditions, that the department can deliver its academic programme whilst simultaneously contributing fairly to the staffing of expeditions.
Representing the Department
The Head of Department represents the department inside and outside the School. They will:
- speak for the department to parents, colleagues in other departments, the Senior Management Committee and the Governors;
- maintain an appropriate image for the subject within the School;
- contribute to the development of the School’s academic policies, in particular by membership of the Heads of Department Committee;
- look to extend and maintain regular contact with feeder schools (including the Under School), partner schools (including Harris Westminster Sixth Form and The Grey Coat Hospital), universities, examination boards and other schools (e.g. the Eton Group) as appropriate, keeping the Deputy Head (Academic) informed of any significant news or developments.
The Ideal Candidate
Please refer to the below (attached) person specification.
Equal Opportunities
We are an equal opportunities employer. We therefore encourage candidates to apply irrespective of age, disability, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion and belief, gender identity, sex or sexual orientation.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Westminster School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Package Description
Required for: September 2025
Location: Dean's Yard - Westminster School
Contract: We welcome both part-time and full-time applicants. Part-time applicants must be able to commit to at least 4 days a week.
Salary: Westminster School has its own salary scale, and new members of staff are placed at a point relevant to their qualifications and experience. Details of salary will be discussed at interview with those candidates who are short-listed.
There is also an associated responsibility allowance with this role.
The deadline for applications is 09:00 on Thursday 13th February 2025. Please note, half-term is w/c 17th February, with interviews taking place w/c Monday 24th February 2025.
About the School
Working at Westminster
Westminster School is a busy, purposeful and vibrant place to be and an excellent workplace. The community is made up of 750 pupils, 120 teaching staff and 108 support staff.
Our teaching staff — the Common Room — are friendly and welcoming and all new teachers quickly become part of the rhythm of life here, both inside and outside the classroom. Common Room social events are regular and varied, with plenty of opportunity to socialise outside working hours.
It also does not matter where you come to us from. Some teachers come to us straight from university or having just taken a PGCE. Some have taught in independent schools before while others come from the state sector, or another industry altogether. The common ground is that all our teachers have a great knowledge and love for their subject and are willing to be fully involved in the life of the School and the lives of the children who study here. The School has a vibrant co-curricular programme that offers a wide range of opportunities beyond the academic curriculum. We welcome candidates who can contribute their energy and expertise to the co-curricular life of the School as well as the academic.
At Westminster we will always select the best candidate for every position. However, we know we can only truly choose the best person on every occasion if a broad and diverse pool of candidates see the job advertised and are encouraged to apply.
As such, we continue to work on how our job roles are encountered, and particularly welcome applications from groups who have traditionally been underrepresented here.
Westminster School is for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic. We hope you are encouraged to apply.
The School
Westminster School is an independent day and boarding school for boys aged 13-18 and girls aged 16-18, with a long history, a distinctive ethos, and a unique sense of place in the very heart of London. Pupils achieve exceptional examination results and entrance to some of the top universities in the world. It is a busy, passionate and purposeful place where independent and deep thinking is enjoyed, encouraged and respected by all, and where holistic excellence is nurtured and valued.
While the School is one of the foremost centres of academic excellence in the country, its commitment to academic life does not make it a hothouse for passing examinations. Pupils’ success at examinations and entry to leading universities is instead a result of their enjoyment of academic enquiry, debate and search for explanation, well beyond published syllabuses. Pupils are intellectually, socially, ethically and politically engaged and our aim is to ensure that their enthusiasm for learning is developed further, allowing them to take full advantage of the opportunities presented to them in the future. At Westminster, pupils have the freedom to lead on projects outside of the classroom and embrace a whole range of extra-curricular activities and interests. A host of pupil-led societies take place every week at the School, often with expert guest speakers, and pupils can choose to study an additional language, play an instrument or two, volunteer in local primary schools, row along the Thames, take part in plays and musicals, and much more.
The School’s ethos resides in the enduring values of the liberal tradition reflected in the 1560 Charter of Westminster’s Elizabethan foundation, where it is stated that: ‘the youth which is growing to manhood, as tender shoots in the wood of our state, shall be liberally instructed in good books to the greater honour of the state’. Whilst academic and cultural attainments are highly prized at Westminster, the School is fully committed also to each pupil’s spiritual, moral, emotional and physical development and wellbeing – with a particular emphasis on drawing out individual talent wherever it lies – and to prepare young people for fulfilled private and public lives.
From September 2028, the School will welcome both girls and boys at 13+ entry, offering a Westminster education to all. By 2026, Westminster Under School will have opened its brand new pre-prep for girls and boys at 4+ and girls will have joined boys in Years 3 and 7, at the 7+ and 11+ entry points. By 2030, all year groups at Westminster School and Westminster Under School, from ages four to 18, will be fully co-educational, reflecting the School’s dedication to inclusivity and excellence.
Westminster School